BDISCOM plasma power supply
BDISCOM plasma power supplies
- BDS-MF Generator
The newest and most price competitive medium frequency generator for any High/Low Voltage (3kV to 7kV) PECVD and PVD process
- BDS-ARC Generator
The most reliable high performance generator for high current CAE processes with high efficiency (> 90 %)
- BDS HF 200 - 300 - 750 RF power supplies
- New generation of very price competitive and High efficiency 200, 300 and 750 Watt 13.56 MHz RF generators.
- Active front panel or black box versions available
- RF Auto Matching Network
- Plasma Matrix & Super Plasma Matrix
Price competitive Table Top RF 13.56 MHz plasmareactor system series for most of the Cleaning/Etching process in R/D or small Industrial pilot production (from 2.5 to 40 litre vacuum chambers in 304SS)
The BDS VIMM -Variable Inductor Manual Matching Unit - is the most compact RF13.56 MHz inductive manual matching network currently available on the market
- BDS GLOW 3000/6000 Generator
New high voltage DC generator with AFP (touch screen Active Front Panel) for glow discharge processes
- BDS DC Sputter Power Supplies
Sputter Power Supplies available in 0.5kW, 3kW, 6kW and 12kW